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  3. Function: boardCopy

Function: boardCopy


boardCopy makes a copy of a Limnu board. All of the elements on the original whiteboard will also appear on the new copy, such as drawings, notes and pins. The list of users who visited the board and any chat messages are not copied to the new board


Input parameters:

  • apiKey: string - the API key issued by Limnu to developers
  • boardId: string - the id of the board to modify
  • creator: string - the id of the user who should become the creator of the board
  • isLeading: boolean - If true, the creator is made to be the leader of the board. If this
    is not set, the leader of the copied board (if there is one) is retained.
  • soloDraw: boolean - (optional) By default, the value of soloDraw for new boards is
    false, and all users can edit the board. If true, only admins can edit the board.
  • public: boolean - (optional) If true, users can by default access the board. (In other
    words, any user who loads the URL for a board can access it.) If false, users must be set as the creator, leader or must have a boardRole specifying enabled before they can access the board. A user without permission sees an error message if they attempt to access the board URL.
  • type: enum {string} - (“whiteboard”, “blackboard” or “greaseboard”) - (optional) Sets the type of the board to one of three options. If no type is specified, the board is a whiteboard.
  • displayName: string - (optional) Sets the display name of the board. If it is not set, the name becomes [nameOfCopiedBoard] + “ (copy)”

Response Attributes

boardId: string - the id of the new board
boardUrl: string - the url of the new board