Jamboard too expensive? Limnu is a great alternative.

Limnu was one of the featured solution in TechRepublic's recent article: Google Jamboard too pricy? Here are 4 low-cost virtual whiteboard app alternatives. They had this to say, "Even if a high-end conference room touchscreen is beyond your budget, you might still explore these virtual whiteboards for your team."


Their review of Limnu included: 

Limnu delivers a simple, smooth drawing experience. Drawing with a mouse in a browser feels remarkably fluid, and drawing with a stylus on an iPad in Limnu is impressive.

Check out the full article below.

Google Jamboard too pricy? Here are 4 low-cost virtual whiteboard app alternatives - TechRepublic

Big touch screens for conference rooms cost big money. The Microsoft Surface Hub comes in two sizes: 55" and 84", priced at just under $9,000 and $22,000, respectively. And Google announced that its 55" Jamboard will sell for under $6,000, starting sometime in 2017.

What do you think? Do you have your eye on the Jamboard? Is it worth the price?