Whiteboard video meetings with Limnu + Appear.in
We've just added a super easy way to launch a video chat while you're collaborating and whiteboarding in Limnu!

Appear.in is, hands-down, the easiest to use video conferencing service that exists, and you can use it free and effortlessly from your Limnu board with a single click. Appear.in is free to use for up to 8 people at a time, and it even has apps for iOS & Android mobile devices.
Audio chats are a breeze too, if you just want to talk while you draw, because Appear.in lets you mute your video channel. Start it up and then switch back to your whiteboarding so you can talk & listen while you collaborate and draw.
To start a video or audio chat while you draw on your Limnu board, open the main menu and click on the "Video Chat" item.
* The fine print
For video chat, you're good to go if you're running Chrome, Firefox or Opera. But sadly, not all browsers yet support WebRTC yet, so our video chat doesn't yet work for everyone. They will soon, but Safari and some other browsers are out of luck for a little while. Android & iOS users will need a native appear.in app. You'll be prompted to download it, or you can head to your app store and snag your apps in advance. Appear.in has more information in their FAQ: https://appear.in/information/faq/